We offer free training sessions with the purchase of one of our product,selected by you. We can recommend on those as well for your individual needs and condition.

Please leave us your contact information at diadens@yahoo.ca

Have you ever asked Yourself how much it cost to be unhealthy.. Innovative Therapeutic Technologies are here to deliver great service, helping to speed up your rehabilitation after stroke to assist with pain management ,prevention of the further aggravation of the existing condition with our innovative unmedicated therapies.

Our therapy sessions are Client focused and Client specific condition tailored. We use innovative therapeutic technologies to help in your rehabilitation and wellness., like Storz medical sound shock wave therapy,, laser therapy, Radio Frequency, Frequency specific micro current LaStone Therapy, Range of motion Exercises, Bio Feed back devices and much more.

We combine the benefits of few technologies to help to achieve:

  • Reducing or in some cases, eliminating muscle pain
  • Improving joint mobility
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving immune system functioning
  • Increasing lymphatic drainage
  • Reducing depression and anxiety
  • Reducing tension within muscles
  • Retraining muscle functions
  • Increasing body awareness
  • Also: Sleep pattern improvement
  • Anxiety level reduced without medication
  • Side-effect-ONLY positive, accelerated production of Endorphins as the result of our therapies-in other words , changing you for a healthier happier You.

You are welcome to schedule a phone call with us for further information. Please leave us your phone number and the preferred time to reach you and we shall do our best to call you.

Storz medical shock-wave for pain management, and Beauty-Fat and  Cellulite Reduction.  We offer microcurrent pain management and Facials, also whole body Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy and many other noninvasive unmedicated therapeutic innovative therapy sessions we offer Improve your health, Sleeping Pattern., and much more.

Pls contact us at  diadens@yahoo.ca for private appointment in the privacy of your home is you are located in Lower mainland.  All information about session can be obtain when you contact us . Please, do not forget to leave us your phone number so we could call you at your convenient time.


We offer Pain Management with Frequency Specific Microcurrent and Laser Therapy Laser therapy can:

Helps decrease Parkinson’s symptoms
Helps reduce recovery time

  • Reduce therapy time by quickening the reproduction of cells and their growth
  • Safely treat pain by influencing and increase the metabolic activity of cells
  • Relieve pain by reducing swelling from bruising or inflammation
  • Increase circulation to damaged cell sites
  • Minimize scar formation from surgery, cuts, burns, etc
  • Alleviates chronic pain and inflammation,
  • improves circulation and promotes tissue repair, Speeds up muscle, tendon and ligament injury recovery
  • Assists in management of peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia
  • Pls contact us at diadens@yahoo.ca
  • Pls leave your contact information and we would be happy to call you back or send an Email to set up an appointment at the privacy of your home. The cost of sessions may vary and we would be happy to discuss. We offer this service at your location ONLY locally for Lower Mainland Customers.
  • We can also advise you which product to purchase to help you to manage your pain or other condition
Click on Videos To Watch

Cold Laser therapy Explained Video.. Please watch it and see how much our Cold Laser Sessions may help you..  diadens@yahoo.ca  We are looking forward to hearing from you!

You are welcome to contact us at  diadens@yahoo.ca to get information about our treatment sessions or to book an appointment with us at the privacy of your home.  We deliver the therapy sessions to You!  No need to wait in the clinic, No time wasting on driving, traffic, wasting your precious time, especially when you are not feel well.

We are mobile clinic that delivers effective and hussle-free therapy session to You!